Camp Alpha

Camp Alpha is a church camp located in Ryazan, Russia who hosted their first campers in 2017. The camp currently consists of two picnic shelters, two large metal storage containers repurposed into cabins and outhouses for restroom facilities. Tents provide additional housing for the campers. Meals must either be brought in from local churches or cooked on-site over an open campfire. Taking into account the rustic nature of the camp, it’s amazing that 65 kids were in attendance in 2019!

The WVBC partnership with the Russian churches has helped them to create the camp in resemblance to our very own Camp Cowen and Parchment Valley. The American Baptist Women’s Ministries of West Virginia have adopted Camp Alpha for their MOP 2020 project. We hope our goal of $6,000 will help make improvements to the camp that will encourage more children to come meet Jesus at Camp Alpha!

Donations can be sent through your ABW Associations