Just My Reminder to You: You are Loved!

by Pastor Doc Adkins

I enjoy reminding folk of this truth:  You are loved!

This month is Valentine’s Day month.  SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH.   (Just a reminder to all the guys who might read this.)   It’s a day that creates different feelings for different reasons.

I want to remind you that you are loved today and every day.

A day like Valentine’s Day can bring up feelings of lovelessness.  Perhaps others in your life forgot to remember you today.  Maybe you feel left out because this is a Valentine’s without your spouse, or you have no romantic interest in your life.

The One Who Is Love has a special message for you today.

This is what God says about you!
You are My possession.
You are chosen by Me.
You were wonderfully made.
I chose you long ago.
I created you to do good works.
You are made in My image.
You can call Me Daddy.
You have been bought with My Son’s blood.
My Son Jesus loves you so much He died for you.
You are without fault through Christ.
You are sealed by My Holy Spirit.
I want to lavish My grace on you.
You are forgiven.
You are accepted.
There is no condemnation toward you.
I will never leave you.
I love you!

Sound too good to be true?  I’m not making it up.  Everything I just wrote is told you in God’s Word.  Look for yourself in 1 Peter 2:9; Psalms 139:14; Ephesians 1:5 and 2:10; Genesis 1:27; Galatians 4:6; Ephesians 2:13; Philippians 2:8; Colossians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13; 1:7-8; Colossians 3:13; Romans 15:7 and 8:1; Joshua 1:5; and Revelation 1:5.

If we can only let the reality of God’s love for us flow deeply to the core of our being we would be much better suited to handle anything that comes our way on Valentine’s Day and every day.  It’s only when you fully receive God’s love for you that you become free to love others.

Make it a great Valentine’s Day by looking for all the ways God shows His love for you.  You may start by reading the passages above and underlining them in your Bible.

Remember…there’s no question about it: You are loved!

Here’s an extra thought not original with me!
“For God so loVed the world,
That He gAve
His onLy
That whosoever
Believeth In Him
Should Not perish,
But have Everlasting life.”
John 3:16