Operation Christmas Child 2016

by Debbie Vanaman

No, you’re not seeing things.   It’s a new year and I’ve decided to change things up a bit this year for Operation Christmas Child.    We’re going to start this month and each month until October we will be collecting different items for our shoebox program.  Then in November the youth will separate what we’ve collected and start filling our shoeboxes.  This way it kind of spreads things out a bit and I hope it will increase our number of shoeboxes with the end result will be blessings for even more children.

For the month of January we will be collecting combs, bars of soap and washcloths.

Collection boxes are in the sanctuary and also in Fellowship Hall.  Also if you have any empty shoeboxes, I can always use them and they can be left in the church office.  Last but certainly not least, please keep this program in your prayers through this year as shoeboxes are distributed around the world and the name of Jesus is brought to villages, towns and cities through the power of a simple shoebox.

FYI – We received an email that some of the shoeboxes from FBC will be going to India, Ghana and Burundi.