What do the numbers mean?

Have you seen the numbers being displayed at the beginning and end of each children’s moment during Sunday morning services?  Do you know what it means?  This number represents the attendance target for the evening service.  The purpose is to encourage our kids to reach out to their friends and family to help grow the group.  What happens if we hit the target?  Only the greatest thing ever…lock-in!

The Youth Department would like to thank everyone who supported Trek-N-Treat this year.  This annual event is a big part of our community outreach efforts.  Thank you for your gifts of time, candy and support.  We couldn’t do it without you.  You can see pictures on our Facebook page.

During the month of November we will be assisting with holiday mission projects such as Operation Christmas Child (November 1st at 6 pm).  We will also continue our bible study series, Not A Fan.

The holiday season is very busy and we have lots planned.  Stay connected with us and, as always, we appreciate your prayers and support as we grow in our faith!