ABW November Update

by Janice Wood, ABWM President

On September 30, 2018, the ABW Ministries Executive Board, along with several ladies representing the Joy Circle and the Lizzie Lewis Circle, met at the First Baptist Church. The meeting was to consider disbanding the Joy Circle with the ladies joining the Lizzie Lewis Circle.  The vote was unanimous.  Every lady at First Baptist Church is invited to come join the Lizzie Lewis Circle.  As we join together into one circle, we believe we can be encouraged by one another to further God’s kingdom.

The ABW Mission Statement:

In commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to the mission of the church, through the enabling of the Holy Spirit, American Baptist Women’s Ministries provides opportunities for each women to:

  • Become and develop as God’s person,
  • Build God’s faith community; and
  • Serve God’s world.