Aging Thoughts

by Rev Robert A Wendel

Respect old people.  Do not rebuke an old man.  Wisdom is with aged.  Lev. 19:32; I Tim. 5:1; Job 12:12

Jesus proved by his resurrection that we are God’s spiritual expression, made for this world, yet to live again in a paradise yet to come.  Christ destroyed the notion that our time on earth has age limitations.  Positive folks say “Age is just a state of mind.  You’re as young as you feel.”

Regardless of the number of candles on your birthday cake, as the years add up if we use common sense to maintain our physical bodies and minds, we can live long, useful, productive lives.  Genesis 1:26 assures us that the Almighty gave humans control of all creation, including ourselves.

Still, we know that the natural aging process imposes restrictions on our strength and endurance.  As the decades we feel a drop off from what we could accomplish twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years before.  The onset of physical disorders and diseases does weigh heavily upon our later lifestyle.

No matter the circumstances, you and I don’t need to feel overwhelmed.  Sometimes the senior crowd get chagrined for not being able to do what they used to be able to do.  It’s alright if our pace slows down just a little.  Younger people will always glide along at a faster pace.

With advancing years comes the wisdom to enjoy little victories that may arrive with each new dawn and serve to comfort us all through the night.

The great British physician Sir. William Osler wrote, “Each night we should pull down a mental curtain, shutting out the past and another curtain shutting out our tomorrow and go to sleep unburdened by remnants of the past or anxieties about the future.”

We all know the truism, ‘Take care of today.  Tomorrow will take care of itself.”  As St. Paul wrote, “Forget those things which are behind.  Reach for those things which are in front of us.  Let us press toward the high marks given us by Christ.”  (Phil.3:14).  May God bless us.

The next men’s prayer breakfast will be Saturday, February 25th at Crab Orchard church at 8:00 a.m.  Come and enjoy a great time with your brothers in Christ.