Everything Has Its Time

by Pastor Rick Watson

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us:” To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” We, at First Baptist, are in a new season; Pastor Donald “Doc” Adkins has retired and the Pulpit Committee is actively pursuing our new pastor. So, what are we to do during this time?

  1. Pray – Pray for our Pulpit Committee! Prayer is always the next important part of our church life and it is especially true during this transition time.
  1. Attend – attend church regularly, whether on-line or in person be with us! The old devil, our adversary, would really like to scatter the sheep while the new shepherd is being chosen. There is strength in numbers and as we read in Joshua the first chapter we are to be “strong and courageous.”
  2. Participate in our church ministries such as our Backpack Ministry, Helping Hands or Sunday School. Sunday School is our greatest opportunity for both fellowship and spiritual growth. If you are a Sunday School teacher, know your class and stay in contact with them. (A phone call, a card or a personal visit.)

Sadly, many churches have lost members when the pastor has left – they did too!

“To everything there is a season”, our church is in a new season. This is not the first time we have had to search for a new pastor and it won’t be the last. But, when the new pastor arrives, he should be encouraged to find that our church is busy doing what this church has been called to do: … “to maintain public services for the worship of God and for the teaching and preaching of the Gospel and to promote the Kingdom of God according to the teachings of Christ.” (Taken from the Constitution of First Baptist Church of Beckley, West Virginia).

As the interim pastor, I know that my time with you is very temporary but my purpose is the same as if I were called to a full-time position; I am to preach the Word, pray for our congregation and to present myself in an exemplary manner. With your help, we can prepare our church to receive our “God-called shepherd” for this next season of ministry.

God planted and has maintained First Baptist in this location for a reason “to be the guiding light” for this community. Join me as we accomplish God’s will purpose and plan for Beckley First Baptist Church.

Hope to see you Sunday!!!

Pastor Rick