Summer is in Full Swing

Summer is in full swing, the weather, for the most part, is warm and children in our area are out of school. Speaking of school, children around the world don’t always have the advantages of children in our area as far as getting the supplies that they need. So as we usually do for July and August, we are collecting school supplies for our shoeboxes. Things like pencils, erasers, pens, crayons, small coloring books, colored pencils and pencil sharpeners are what is needed. This year I have been blessed with a donation of enough markers to give each child a pack. If you are not comfortable going to the stores yet, monetary gifts are always welcome. These children will be blessed beyond measure and so will you. Just think every time they pick up a pencil or a crayon, they know that someone from Beckley First Baptist Church in the U.S.A. thought enough of them and loved them enough to give them these school supplies. A collection box is located in Welcome Center for your donations. Please keep this ministry in your prayers as they continue to spread the name of Jesus and the love of God to children around the world.