As summer rolls along, so does our steady stream of clients seek help with food and clothing. We distribute non-perishable food and clothing to all eligible clients on a monthly basis depending on the size of their family. WE ARE ALSO IN NEED OF BLANKETS!!!
We are currently still looking for volunteers to work on Thursday and Friday mornings. It’s only three hours and you will be blessed. You can also provide financial support for Helping Hands through the Kroger Rewards Program. Just click on Rewards on your Kroger account and click down to Community Rewards and then select Helping Hands Community Resource Center. A portion of your purchase will go directly to us without costing you a dime! What a better way to support them. We are open Tuesday through Friday from 9AM to noon. We take donations during those times or they can be left in the large black container outside the church office.
Thank you for your generous support and please continue to keep us in your prayers as we reach out to help those less fortunate.