News from the ABW Virtual Conference

by Nancy Moran

By now I hope many of you have watched the ABWM Virtual Conference. If you haven’t had a chance yet to see this, go to the WV Baptist Women’s Ministries Facebook page. I was so impressed with the presentation by our last year’s scholarship recipient, Samantha Wagoner, that I immediately wrote to her to convey my thoughts. Here is the reply I received from her.

Nancy – This message meant so much to me! Thank you. It was such an honor to get to be a part of the women’s conference. I absolutely love the Lord and all he does for me! I am so grateful he loves me and works on me daily. His love keeps me going. I love the Women in our state so so so much! They inspire me to be the best Woman of God I can be! I am so grateful to be involved. I could never repay or give enough thank yous to the women who pray and think of me! Anytime I am asked to do something for our women or for the Lord, If I can do it, I do!

My plans for school are a little back tracked right now due to all of this craziness. God has put me on some amazing paths rights now and I’m working towards finding out which one is the best fit. I am currently working in a dental office as an assistant and trying to finish my degree up. I applied to pharmacy school actually and got in! I deferred for a year to think about it and to make a decision. I have been really torn on pharmacy and dentistry this past year. I am praying and listening to see where God leads me. Please pray for me and my journey and my new marriage.
