Operation Christmas Child 2015

I know you’re thinking it’s way too early to start thinking about this but truly it’s not.  In August, every store in the area will be having school supplies on sale and it’s a great time to purchase those items and start filing your shoeboxes.

This project has grown and grown over the years and truly has been a blessing to the millions of children around the world who receive a shoebox in countries where Christianity has never been shared.  It costs around $20 to fill a shoebox plus the $7 shipping but what an impact this has.  The items along with the literature placed in the box by Samaritan’s Purse called “The Greatest Journey” may be the only “gift” a child has ever received and to have that gift share the name of Jesus is truly an awesome way to spread the name of Jesus around the word.

So, let’s get started early and see how many shoeboxes you can fill this year.  While it’s not all about numbers, it’s about changing lives and reaching out to children and their families showing them the love of God and it’s all done one shoebox at a time.  We can change the world through the power of Operation Christmas Child but it all starts with you.