Helping Hands – The Mission Remains

Helping Hands has been an outreach ministry of First Baptist for many years and their mission still stays the same – to help those less fortunate with food and clothing. We all know that food prices have gone through the roof and it is making it harder for those on a limited budget to buy groceries each month and that’s where Helping Hands steps in. Clients can come once a month and they will be provided with a box of food depending on their family size and also given an opportunity to browse through our clothing room.

Our numbers are picking back up and we are truly grateful for that and that’s’ where your help is needed. We need non-perishable food items, toilet paper, bar soap, blankets and bed linens as well as summer clothing. Clothing items are only taken on Tuesday’s from 9:00 until noon. Your donations are greatly appreciated and can be either dropped off at Helping Hands from Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 until noon or left in the black container outside the church office. Please keep us in y our prayers as we continue to serve the people of Beckley and Raleigh County.

Gearing Up for a Great Shoebox Season

We’re gearing up for a great shoebox season for 2022. Here at FBC we’ve been a part of Operation Christmas Child for over 20 years and the blessings that children around the world have received is awesome. Imagine the joy that a child experiences opening a box made especially for them that contains something as simple as a toothbrush or a bar of soap not to mention the toys, crayons and coloring books that are also inside. The school supplies help many of them who may not have been able to go to school because of not having these supplies.

The program that accompanies the shoebox is called The Greatest Journey and it tells them all about Jesus and His Love for them and gives them an opportunity to give their heart to Jesus at the end of the series. That’s a second blessing that they can pass onto their families and villages and help spread the name of Jesus around the world. That’s the power of a simple shoebox

The months of July and August typically are great months to shop for school supplies so that’s what we will be collecting. We need pencils, pens, crayons, coloring books, markers, colored pencils, erasers, small note pads and pencil sharpeners. These items are a vital part of each and every shoebox. Your donations would be greatly appreciated and can be left in the box in the Welcome Center.

One Great Hour of Sharing Offering 2022

Continuing through the middle of August we will be collecting our second mission offering which is the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. One of the areas that this offering helps is providing help after natural disasters both here in the U.S. and internationally. Hitting closer to home this offering helped several years ago after major flooding occurred in Greenbrier County. Our goal is $1,500. Please pray about how you can help. There are envelopes on the rear communion table for your offering.

How can it possibly be July already?

It seems like just yesterday I was looking at my bag of salt wondering if I would need any more to get through “the winter that would never end.”

When you think of the month of July, what comes to your mind? Family gatherings, ice cream, apple pie and fireworks? Right?

What comes to mind for me are two subjects that don’t really seem to go together but they should? They are faith and patriotism. Having served in the military with a tour in the Republic of South Vietnam, I know that you need both!

I was a product of the 60’s when it seemed like the only constant was change. The generation before us were very patriotic; some men would lie about their age so that they could go and serve – my generation went to Canada to escape the draft, the war and service to their country. When I returned from Vietnam, what I saw was young people burning the American flag, burning their draft cards and anti-war demonstrations.

During my time in Vietnam, I noticed that the attendance at chapel services was directly related to the number of missile attacks we experienced during the week. It is true “There are no atheists in fox holes.” Everyone seemed to have that “come to Jesus” moment! (missiles and bullets don’t care who they kill!)

Although not in the ministry then, I found myself talking to people about their faith. What did they believe… is there a God…? Who is Jesus to you? Very often they would go to chapel with me, but just as often they would go drinking to help them forget where they were. In the middle of a war zone, fighting people you had never heard of until the evening news and of course the draft board.

I had a friend, his name was Frick Findley who was from New York. He drank every day he was in-country, said he did not want to remember any of this year – many people felt that way – some “forgetting” with alcohol; others “forgetting” with drugs.

We fight wars in other countries so that we don’t have to fight in the good ole U.S.A. We fight for freedom – even the freedom to burn the flag! I don’t agree with burning the flag. I think it’s wrong! But freedom isn’t just for the people that agree with me but freedom should be for all! True patriots, not those people that attacked our capital, will fight for people of all races, genders and political parties, to be free, here and in other countries. Doing the right thing doesn’t have borders or boundaries.

Faith – I know who I believe in and when I lay my head down, whether here or in the Republic of South Vietnam, I know this is not my home, I’m just passing through!

Do you remember the children’s prayer we were taught! Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.”

Faith is knowing that your eternal home has been assured when you know “blessed assurance, Jesus is Mine” and I am His!

Have a great rest of the summer, hope to see you at the church’s annual picnic in September. Love you in Jesus’ name.

Pastor Rick

We’re Having Visitors

On Sunday, June 26th during the morning worship service, Keith and Debbie Myers, two of our West Virginia missionaries, will be sharing their mission experiences with us Make sure you join us for morning worship that Sunday. It will be a great time of learning how are missionaries are helping to spread the name of Jesus in Mexico.

Vacation Bible School is Going to Happen!

VBS is being planned for July 11-15th. The program is called Making Waves for Christ. It will be from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. every night . Volunteers are needed. Sign up on the sheet in the sanctuary or contact the church office if you are interested. A short meeting is planned for Sunday, June 5th immediately following morning worship. Even if you can’t help that week, early planning help is also needed. Let’s make our first post-COVID VBS a great success !!!

Another School Year is Over

Another school year is over and we are already shopping for the next school term. As food prices soar it is more difficult to find bargains but like everyone else we will pay what is necessary to buy the food for our backpack children.

This past year we have prepared approximately 350 food bags for our children. Each bag has food for two breakfast meals, two lunch meals, two dinner meals, a loaf of bread and a bag of snacks. That is a lot of food!

God has blessed this ministry from the beginning. Our congregation as well as friends have supported us with money and food donations every week. Thanks to each person who has helped in any way to support our Backpack Ministry. May God richly bless you! Please continue to pray that our children have a happy and safe summer.

For the month of June please donate 16oz jars of peanut butter.

Ladies, Save the Date!

The Lizzie Lewis Circle of American Baptist Women will hold its first post-Covid meeting on Thursday, June 2. We’ll meet in Fellowship Hall at 12:15 p.m. with a snack provided. All women are invited and your participation is encouraged as we reorganize. Please plan to attend and bring your ideas for projects, activities, and fellowship.

Enjoying the Many Blessings

We here at Beckley FBC have enjoyed the many blessings that have come from packing shoeboxes for these past 20 plus years and for that we thank God for the opportunity to help spread the name of Jesus around the world. Recently I was part of a virtual shoebox conference and one of the sessions centered around that we are all children of God and are in constant need of his guidance in our lives. We are fortunate to live in a country where we can practice our faith without any repercussions.

Thousands of children around the world have never heard the name of Jesus which is where Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Christmas Child steps in. The shoeboxes that are packed, shipped and eventually wind up in a child’s hand is probably the first gift this child has ever been given and to learn about Jesus through The Greatest Journey lessons which are shared at the distribution of those boxes. This has led many, many children to accept Jesus as their Savior as well as their family members.

As we continue our collection effort, for the month of June we are collecting toothbrushes, hair brushes and small ladies deodorant for the 10-14 year old girls. Your donations can be left in the box located in the Welcome Center. As always, please keep this project in your prayers as the name of Jesus continues to be spread through the power of one shoebox at a time. God bless you !!!

Helping Hands: Serving for Many, Many Years

Helping Hands has been serving the people of Beckley and Raleigh County for many, many years and we could not have done it without your prayers and your donations. As we continue this mission, we are in need of non-perishable food donations as well as toilet paper. These donations can either be dropped off at Helping Hands or left in the black container outside the church office.

If you have a Kroger card, log into your account and click on the Community Rewards tab and select Helping Hands. Krogers donates a portion of what you spend to Helping Hands at no cost to you !!!

As far as clothing donations, we are only accepting summer clothing at this time. These items can also be dropped off at Helping Hands. Our hours of operation are Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. until noon and we are always in need of volunteers to help out. We thank you for your prayers and support to this ministry and as that you continue your prayers as we endeavor to help those who are in need in Beckley and Raleigh County.