Helping Hands Continues its Mission
Now that school is out and summer is officially here our demand for food and clothing here at Helping Hands continues. We continue to serve the people of Raleigh County and that demand is growing every week. We are always in need of non-perishable food that will offset items that we have to purchase as well as plastic Kroger or Walmart bags. These items can either be dropped off at Helping Hands or left in the large black container outside the church office.
We also receive donations from local supermarkets that also provide meat, vegetables and baked goods. There is a regular crew of men who do these pick ups and we really appreciate the time these men give every week doing this task.
With vacations coming on, we are always in need of volunteers to fill in while our regular workers are out of town. We are open Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 until noon. Contact Edna Nasby and let her know when you can help. Also, don’t forget if you shop at Kroger to add us to their Community Rewards program. You can do this at as long as you have a Kroger card (and who doesn’t have one of those).
Please keep us in your prayers as we continue to meet the needs of those less fortunate.